Soreness after a workout may be as a result of trying new activities, machines, or classes at your fitness club, or as a result of increasing the intensity of your workout. Whatever the reason, it’s an important signal from your body that needs to be recognized and respected.
In general, it’s your body telling you that you’ve used your muscles in a different way to normal and they’ve been challenged, but what is actually happening in the muscle tissue? Muscle soreness is the feeling you get when your muscles have experienced microscopic tears in the muscle fibers. This damage isn’t anything to get worried about in fact; it’s often a sign that you’re doing something right because sore muscles post-workout is part of muscle development. The microscopic tears trigger the body’s repair mechanisms, and your muscle is built stronger than before.
Push Yourself, But Don’t Go Too Far Working Out in The Gym
People, especially those that are new to working out at a fitness club, tend to think that sore muscles are a sign that they’ve done too much. But members who regularly visit the gym are likely to feel some soreness even if they only make a small change to their fitness workout. These changes might include increasing the weights on a resistance machine, going up an incline level on the treadmill, or spending a couple of extra minutes on a rowing machine.
In extreme cases, where your muscles are so sore that you’re finding it had to move, or if your joints are painful, it’s a sign that you have pushed yourself too hard. Increasing weights should impact the target muscle groups but should not result in shooting pain or tweaks from knees, hips, elbows or shoulders.
So, if your muscles are so sore that you’re barely able to move, or if you feel pain in other parts of the body, you’ve probably pushed yourself too far.
As the saying goes, slow and steady wins the race. It’s a delicate balance between making progress and overdoing things. Increasing strength and endurance need to be done slowly and steadily. It’s more important to be consistent than it is to make big jumps. If you can commit to regular gym visits muscle soreness will slowly decrease, which is a sign that your muscles are getting stronger and that you can start increasing the intensity of your workout.
Fitness Trainers Post-Workout Soreness Recovery Tips
If you’ve joined the gym to focus on strength training, it’s best to give yourself around two days to recover before working the same muscles again. This doesn’t mean that you can’t go to the gym, but rather that you should focus on working for other muscle groups. Giving sore muscles time to repair and get stronger will help to improve their performance. Make variety in your workouts a priority, so that your fitness plan allows muscles to recover quicker and perform better.
It’s also important to keep hydrated. Water and electrolytes will dramatically reduce recovery times by speeding up the removal of toxins that build up in sore muscles, as well as replenishing your body.
If you take your post-workout recovery seriously, foam rolling and sports massages are an excellent way to stimulate your body to repair those sore muscles. These two steps help set your body up for the next workout.
Dynamic Health & Fitness in Longs Pond offers its members everything they need to make steady consistent progress and achieve their workout goals. Their state-of-the-art equipment dedicated personal trainers along with their group fitness and team training programs means that members are equipped to progress and succeed.